It’s not too late to succeed.

Earning attention is hard. Everyone is bombarded with messages through phones, computers, billboards, and more. But regardless of the voices already speaking, there’s still one missing: yours.
You have a story to tell. You have a message to share with others. All you need is an audience who will listen.
Now, the challenge you face in building an audience is the same one all of us face: obscurity.
You see, apart from our family and friends, we don’t start with a group of people interested in what we have to say.
The idea that writers or creatives can just create something and people will magically find their work has never been true.
I share this with you not to crush your dreams, but to wave smelling salts under your nose.
If you’ve ever wondered if it’s too late for you to overcome obscurity, then I encourage you to believe in yourself .
It’s not too late to succeed. But you need to have a plan, do the work, and persevere.
Quotes and takeaways
It’s noisy today, but there’s still one voice missing: yours.
Once we’ve seen someone else succeed, then we know it’s possible for us, too.